By: Babhru Dāsa
Why is pleasing and satisfying the heart of a sadhu-vaishnava (advanced devotee of Krsna) so powerful and beneficial to our own progression of bhakti?
There are many reasons for this, but one reason in particular is very easy to understand. In essence, just consider what happens when a person pleases another person? And especially, what happens when a lover serves a beloved with such steadfast dedication and earnest endeavor?
The person who is feeling loving affectionate energy come to them, from another person, cannot but grow in their love for that person. They will contemplate such works, in their mind and heart thus,
“Just see! This person is trying so hard to please me, they are so selfless and are not even asking anything in return. I cannot give up thinking about them and the love they have for me in a million yugas, even if I wanted too!”
In this way, their heart will bubble with love and affectionate feelings towards that person, and Sri Krsna, the indwelling super-soul of all living entities, is also present in their heart to witness such an endearment. And not only that, but for the advanced devotee, Sri Krsna, is not just present in their heart as His super-soul form (Vishnu expansion), but is evermore present in His Original feature as Lord Govinda, the playful lover of the damsels of Vraja. Especially, when the elevated stage of bhakti known as asakti (severe attachment to Krsna) is attained, such a truth is established in the devotees heart very powerfully.
In this way, the advanced devotee (that has Krsna in his heart) is placing the sadhaka in very close proximity within his heart, to Sri Krsna.
And Sri Krsna, cannot but contemplate in the following way, “ What is this!? My devotee has so much affection for this jiva (soul). He has brought us both together, and now, I cannot be but extremely favorably disposed towards this jiva. If he has gained my loving servants affection and trust, then surely, he has gained Mine! I have let it be known far and wide, that the highest and best way to attain Me, is to attain love from My devoted servitor. Now I will again prove this conclusion and give this soul my undiluted loving mercy.”